Our Services

Intellectual Property Operations Auditing

Benchmark Your Patent Operations Against Your Peers

Make objective comparisons of the efficiency of your patent operations against companies with similar sized portfolios, companies with earnings comparable to yours, businesses in the same sector as yours, or companies with similar IP monetization strategies as yours. Determine if your operations are best-of-breed.

Based on an analysis conducted on your portfolio, we can recommend steps to reduce the cycle time to get your patent granted. We can also identify ways to reduce overall prosecution costs and optimize your patent term based on the industry your company is conducting business in.

Optimize Patent Spending

By benchmarking and analyzing your patent spending we can help you create an operational strategy to maximize the value of your investment.

We can analyze the following to provide you with a budget strategy:

  • What does it cost your company to secure a patent?
  • How much of these costs are related to services from vendors?
  • How much do you typically spend in extension fees?
  • Does your company file RCEs because prior art was not made available to the Examiner prior to receiving a Notice of Allowance?
  • How much does your company spend on invention capture, docketing and post-grant tracking of patents?

Develop and Deploy Strategies to Accelerate Patent Issuance

With our analysis of the following factors, we can help you streamline your prosecution process:

  • How many months does it typically take to get a patent in the Technology Center that you most frequently file in?
  • How does the prosecution period of your patents compare with other patentees in your technology sector?
  • Is your rejection rate higher than the norm for that Technology Center?
Intellectual Property Operations Auditing